On Tuesday, April 3, 2018, Gary Plaag hosted Christopher Newport University (CNU) sophomore Bruin Richardson. Bruin is the recipient of the William W. Royall, Jr. Endowed Scholarship, which was established in 1983 by the Rotary Club of Newport News. Bruin shared a little bit about his academic and career goals, as well as his gratitude to RCNN for this scholarship. Gary met Bruin at the 26th Annual President’s Donor and Recipient Scholarship Luncheon and Program on March 29, 2018, at the Freeman Center Field House at CNU’s Newport News campus. Pictured l-r: RCNN President – Tim Ryan, Bruin Richardson, RCNN President-elect – Gary Plaag.
Rotary Club of Newport News Hosts CNU Scholarship Recipient Bruin Richardson
By Gary Plaag|2018-04-11T09:12:43-04:00April 11th, 2018|News|Comments Off on Rotary Club of Newport News Hosts CNU Scholarship Recipient Bruin Richardson