In our most recent meeting, our Assistant Governor, Davetta Rinehart, visited our club so we could learn about the Tutudesk campaign that is taking place in Africa. The Desmond Tutu Tutudesk Campaign is championed by Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu under the leadership of Thandeka Tutu-Gxashe. The overarching goal is to provide 20 million African children with 20 million Tutudesks by the end of 2025.


An actual Tutudesk

The Tutudesk Campaign was created to offer the children of Africa an improved way of learning and dignity, and it is more than just infrastructure. Too many children are compromised every day at school. It is simply not good enough that the necessity of a writing surface remains out of reach for so many.

The Rotary Club of Newport News falls within District 7600, encompassing Central and Southeastern Virginia. Our District Governor, Kenny Janes, set a goal to raise $5,000 to help reach the goal of serving 20 million children by 2025. Each desk costs $20 to make and deliver to the children of Africa, and our club is doing its part to help the district reach and exceed the $5,000 goal.

If you want to get involved with local or global projects, join us at an upcoming meeting. We meet each Tuesday from 12:00 – 1:00 pm at the James River Country Club. If you would like to donate to the Tutudesk campaign, you can make checks payable to the Newport News Rotary Foundation, and we will include your donation. We will be sure to share with you all the total that we raised.